Saturday, October 3, 2009

I'm a Victim of the Web

Today I started my RPDP Technology class and the teacher gave us a brief overview of what Google has to offer. Now mind you, I am already addicted to Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, so the last thing I need right now is my own blog. All I have to say is "Oh well." I figured I'd try it out for awhile. As I'm writing this, I'm thinking to myself that no one is going to read it anyway, so it really doesn't matter what I write. I just want to know what's all this fuss about blogging??

I titled my Blog..."In My Opinion" because I figured it would suit my purpose for creating this in the first place. I guess it is sort of like my online journal....anyway, I know I always have stuff to share and what better place to vent than the Internet......


  1. Congratulations on finally giving in and starting your own blog! Blogging is addicting. Have fun with it.
